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Intermediate Microeconomics I
Demo Lecture
Unit - 1
Consumer theory. Preference; utility; budget constraint; choice; demand; Slutsky equation; buying and selling; choice under risk and intertemporal choice; revealed preference
Unit - 2
Production, costs and perfect competition Technology; isoquants; production with one and more variable inputs; returns to scale; short run and long run costs; cost curves in the short run and long run; review of perfect competition
References Books
1. Bernheim, B., Whinston, M. (2009). Microeconomics. Tata McGraw- Hill.
2. Snyder, C., Nicholson, W. (2010). Fundamentals of microeconomics. Cengage Learning.
3. Varian, H. (2010)
Consumer theory, producer theory, perfect competition
Amendment as per the last meeting on 11th August, 2020
*As per the notice on DSE Website
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