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GATE Economics 2026
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GATE Economics Past Year
IIT JAM Economics Test Series
GATE Economics Past Year
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ArthaPoint - GATE Economics
ArthaPoint provides the complete Gate Economics Syllabus and offers advice for preparing for the Gate Economics exam. Enroll today to gain access to previous year question papers and expert guidance.
Theory of Consumer Behaviour
Cardinal Approach and Ordinal
Consumer Preferences
Nature of the utility function
Marshallian and Hicksian
demand functions
Duality Theorem
Slutsky equation and Comparative Statics
Homogeneous and Homothetic Utility Functions
Euler’s Theorem
The Theory of Revealed Preference
Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference and Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference
Theory of Production and Costs
Short-run and Long-run Analysis
Uniqueness and Stability of Market Equilibrium
Walrasian and Marshallian Stability Analysis
The Cobweb Model
Decision making under uncertainty and risk
Asymmetric Information
Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard
Theory of Agency costs
The Theory of Search
Theory of the Firm
Market Structures
Competitive and Non-competitive equilibria and their efficiency properties
Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm
Factor Pricing: Marginal productivity
Theory of Distribution in Perfectly Competitive markets
Theory of Employment in Imperfectly Competitive Markets
Monopolistic Exploitation
General Equilibrium Analysis
Welfare Economics
Fundamental Theorems
Social Welfare Function
Efficiency Criteria: Pareto-Optimality
National Income Accounting
Closed Economy Concepts and Measurement and Open Economy Issues
Determination of output and employment
Classical & Keynesian Framework
Theories of Consumption: Absolute Income Hypothesis
Relative Income Hypothesis
Life Cycle Hypothesis
Permanent Income Hypothesis and Robert Hall’s Random Walk Model
Investment Function Specifications
Dale Jorgenson’s Neoclassical Theory of Capital Accumulation and Tobin’s
Keynesian Stabilization Policies, (Autonomous) Multipliers and Investment Accelerator
Demand and Supply of Money
Components of Money Supply
Liquidity Preference and the Liquidity Trap
Money Multiplier
Interest Rate determination
Central Banking, Objectives
Prudential Regulation
Quantitative Easing
Commercial Banking,
Non-Banking Financial Institutions
Capital Market and it's Regulation
Theories of Inflation and Expectations
Augmented Phillips Curve
Real Business Cycles
Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis
Rational Expectation Hypothesis and its critique.
Closed Economy IS-LM Model and Mundell Fleming Model:
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Efficacy.
The Impossible Trinity.
Probability Theory
Concepts of probability
Probability Distributions (Discrete and Continuous)
Central Limit Theorem
Index Numbers and Construction of Price Indices, Sampling Methods & Sampling Distribution,
Statistical Inferences
Hypothesis Testing
Linear Regression
Models and the Gauss Markov Theorem
Multicollinearity and Autocorrelation
Spurious regressions and Unit roots
Simultaneous Equation Models -Recursive and non-recursive
Identification Problem
Differential Calculus and its Applications,
Linear Algebra
Applications of Cramer’s Rule
Static Optimization
Problems and Applications
Input-Output Model
Linear Programming
Difference equations and Differential equations with applications
Indian Economy
Economic Growth in India: Pattern and Structure
Industry & Services Sector: Pattern & Structure of Growth, Major Challenges
Policy Responses
Rural & Urban Development- Issues, Challenges & Policy Responses
The flow of Foreign Capital
Trade Policies
Infrastructure Development: Physical and Social
Public-Private Partnerships
Reforms in Land
Labour and Capital Markets
Inequality & Unemployment
The functioning of Monetary Policy in India
Fiscal Policy in the Indian context: Structure of Receipts and Expenditure
Tax reforms-Goods and Services Tax
Issues of Growth and Equity
Fiscal Federalism
Centre-State Financial Relations and Finance Commissions of India
Sustainability of Deficits and Debt
The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act 2003
Demonetization and aftermath
India’s balance of payments
Composition of India’s Trade
Competitiveness of India’s exports
India’s exchange rate policy
Development Economics
Theories of Economic Development: Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, J.Schumpeter, W. Rostow
Balanced & Unbalanced Growth
Big Push Approach
Indicators of Economic Development: HDI, SDGs, MDGs
Poverty and Inequalities- Concepts and Measurement Issues
Social Sector Development
Child Labor
Age Structure
Demographic Dividend
Models of Economic Growth
Technical progress- Disembodied & Embodied
Endogenous Growth Models.
Public Economics
Market Failure and Remedial Measures: Asymmetric Information
Public Goods
Regulation of Market- Collusion and Consumers
Public Revenue: Tax & Non-Tax Revenue
Direct & Indirect Taxes
Progressive and non-Progressive Taxation
Incidence and Effects of Taxation
Public expenditure
Public Debt and its management
Public Budget and Budget Multiplier
Tax Incidence
Fiscal Policy and its implications
Environment as a Public Good
Market Failure
Coase Theorem
Cost-Benefit Analysis.
International Economics
Theories of International Trade
International Trade under Imperfect Competition
Gains from Trade
Terms of Trade
Trade Multiplier
Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers to trade
Dumping and Anti-Dumping Policies
GATT, WTO and Regional Trade Blocks
Trade Policy Issues
Balance of Payments: Composition Equilibrium and Disequilibrium and Adjustment Mechanisms
Foreign Exchange Market and Arbitrage
Exchange rate determination
IMF & World Bank.
GATE Economics Past Year Papers
GATE Economics Past Year Solutions
Gate Economics Course in India
GATE, or the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, is a computer-based standardised test that is one of India's most important national-level examinations. The Indian Institute of Science (IIS) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology jointly administer GATE (IITs).
Candidates who take the IIT JAM Economics Exam have the opportunity to develop their abilities via the challenging work they do. Career prospects for Economics experts such as Economic Analysts, Economic Researchers, and Economic Consultants have recently increased.
In India, there are several admission exams for master's degrees, and IIT JAM is one of the most popular among graduates.
We are India's largest economics platform to assist students who wish to enrol in the IIT JAM Economics Course in India. We furnish uniquely designed video content, question bank and mock test to the IIT aspirants.
Gate economics is one of the most recent subjects in the GATE test. According to the popularity of this exam, 2000 to 3000 students take GATE economics every year. We deliver aspirants various information regarding the Gate Economics Course in India and career options available after passing the GATE economics exam. Gate Economics and IIT JAM Economics Course in India are gateway exams for admission to IITs. All IITs that offer master's programmes in Economics recognise the Gate Economics and IIT JAM Economics scores.